Year: 2025 | Month: January-March | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 64-70
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes with HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior in Female Sex Workers in Konawe Regency
Rini Indriani1, Adius Kusnan2, Asnia Zainuddin3
1Postgraduate of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
2Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
3Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Adius Kusnan
Introduction. HIV/AIDS is a global health issue that continues to be a significant challenge, particularly in developing countries, including Indonesia. Konawe Regency in Southeast Sulawesi has shown a significant increase in the number of HIV/AIDS cases. Female Sex Workers (FSWs) are a group highly vulnerable to HIV/AIDS transmission due to limited access to information and social stigma. Good knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS play a crucial role in the prevention efforts. This study aims to analyze the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with HIV/AIDS prevention behavior among FSWs in Konawe Regency.
Methods. This study used a quantitative design with a cross-sectional approach. The sample consisted of 90 FSWs selected using accidental sampling techniques. Data were collected through a closed questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability, covering questions about knowledge, attitudes, and HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. Data analysis was performed using the Chi-Square test to examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
Results. The results showed a significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes with HIV/AIDS prevention behavior among FSWs. Respondents with good knowledge were more likely to show better prevention behavior. Positive attitudes were also proven to be a dominant factor in encouraging more effective prevention behavior. Media information and interaction with health workers played an essential role in shaping these preventive attitudes and behaviors.
Conclusion. The conclusion of this study is that increasing knowledge and positive attitudes towards HIV/AIDS prevention is necessary to encourage behavioral change among FSWs. Therefore, interventions that focus on improving positive attitudes towards HIV/AIDS prevention should be a priority in public health programs in Konawe Regency.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes, Prevention Behavior, HIV/AIDS, Female Sex Workers, Konawe Regency