Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Original Research Article

Assessment of Association between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement among Indian Nursing Students

Dr Avinash Kumar1, Dr SK Roy Chowdhury2, Dr M Panwar3, Dr Manab Kosala4

1Command Military Dental Centre, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
2Prof & HOD, 3Professor, Division of Periodontology, 4Associate Professor, Division of Periodontology,
Department of Dental surgery and Oral health sciences, AFMC, Pune, Maharashtra.

Corresponding Author: Dr Avinash Kumar


Objectives: To assess the association between emotional intelligence and academic achievement among nursing students and identify the areas that need consideration.
Methods: One Hundred and fifty nursing students were recruited from a nursing college in Pune city, India. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data on demographic as well as life style factors. The Emotional intelligence was assessed using a self-assessment checklist developed by Sterrett. Academic achievement was assessed using the scores obtained in the final year undergraduate nursing examination.
Results: Out of 150 subjects, only 35% students had scores >20 in each domains of EI. Nearly half of the participating students scored between 16 to 19. The variables like sleep, recreation, choice of profession, relationship with teachers and colleagues were significantly associated with EI. Emotional Intelligence as an independent variable was found to be highly significantly associated with the academic achievement of the nursing students.
Conclusions: The nursing students had a positive relationship among various lifestyle, professional factors and the emotional intelligence. The EI was also positively associated with the academic achievement. But majority of the students faired low in domains of EI score. Hence in the ever challenging patient centric work scenario of the nursing professionals, the teaching of EI should be pulsed at every stages of learning.

Key words: emotional intelligence, academic, achievement, nursing, students, India

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