Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Case Report

Year: 2018 | Month: April | Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 1-3

Multiple Leeches in the Nasal Cavity: A Rare Case Report

Pradeep Rajbhandari1, Bikash Lal Shrestha2

1Final year resident, 2Associate Professor & HOD, Department of ENT-HNS, Dhulikhel Hospital,
Kathmandu University Hospital, Kavre, Nepal

Corresponding author: Pradeep Rajbhandari


A 4 year old boy from remote district of eastern Nepal was presented to ENT OPD of Dhulikhel Hospital with complain of bleeding from right nostril for 1 week. He had history of drinking water from natural spring one week back. On anterior rhinos copy, a pair of leech was seen in right nasal cavity. It was removed with alligator forceps, using a local anesthetic. The leech belongs to phylum Annelida, class Hirudinea, order Rhynchobdellida. Leech infestation should be considered as a cause of epistaxis in patients with history of recent immersion in fresh water lakes or drinking water from streams in leech-endemic areas.  More than one leech in single nasal cavity is rarely seen.

Key words: Epistaxis, Leech, Nasal Cavity

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