Original Research Article
Year: 2019 | Month: July-September | Volume: 4 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 165-169
Mifepristone for Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labour in Patients with Lower Segment Caesarean Section - A Prospective Case Control Study
Dr Gagan Lata1, Dr Sukhbir Pal Kaur1, Dr Susmita Sharma2
1Assistant Professor, 2Professor & Head,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Adesh Medical College & Hospital, Mohri, Shahbad, Haryana.
Introduction–Induction of labour in previous caesarean section (CS) poses a significant challenge for obstetricians. Whenever there is a need of termination of pregnancy for obstetric indication, trend is shifting towards elective repeat caesarean section and the rates of IOL in women with previous CS are decreasing globally. Vaginal birth is associated with less complications as compared to repeat CS. Thus, there is a need for an agent with better outcomes in terms of vaginal birth.
Methods-This was a prospective randomized case-control study carried out at a tertiary care centre in North India on fifty-two term pregnant females with previous one caesarean section admitted for IOL for various indications. They were divided into two study groups of twenty-six each. Group A females received tablet Mifepristone and group B females received placebo. The study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Mifepristone for cervical ripening and induction of labour.
Results- There was statistically significant difference in induction to onset of labour with Mifepristone as compared to control group. Time interval between induction to onset of labour was 24 hrs 7 min and 37 hrs 3 min in mifepristone group and control group respectively. Mean induction delivery interval was 33 hrs 1 min and 46 hrs 9 min in cases and control group. Twenty-one patients (80.7%) delivered vaginally in the mifepristone group as compared to 15(57.6%) in the control group.
Conclusions: Mifepristone is simple and effective method for induction of labour in term women with previous LSCS with a favourable outcome.
Key words: Lower segment caesarean section, Mifepristone, IOL