Original Research Article
Year: 2019 | Month: October-December | Volume: 4 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 72-75
Incidence of Anemia among Hookworm Infection in Tertiary Care Hospital
Yogendra Singh1, Astha Gupta1, Ramaesh Yadav2
1Demonstrator Department of Microbiology Government College, Jalaun
2Lecturer Department of Microbiology Government College, Orai, Jalaun
Objective: Hookworm infections are highly prevalent among the general population in developing countries and these infections can lead to development of anaemia.
Materials and Methods: The stool samples were collected and examined Macroscopic and microscopic findings. Blood samples were collected by vein puncture and collected into a tube containing anticoagulant (K2EDTA). The blood smears were prepared then stained with Giemsa stain. All determinations (haematocrit, haemoglobin, total count of red blood cells, total leukocyte count) were performed using the electronic cell counter Coulter. The microhematocrit machine was used for packed cell volume (PCV) determination. The mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) was calculated from the values of hemoglobin (HB) and PCV.
Results: The total number of 90 positive case of hook worm infections were included of which males were 56(62.22%) and females were 34(37.77) in various age group 20-30years 28(31.11%) was higher. A total of hook worm infection group 37(61.11%) was anemic. Mild anaemic was 30(80.08%) and moderate 7(18.91%). In anemic age group 20-40 years and 41-60 years was more 26(53.06%) and 9(52.94%) respectively. In which female were much higher 24(70.58%) compare to males13 (23.21%).
Conclusion: The total 90 positive case of hook worm infection study males were higher 56(62.22%) but anaemic patients’ females were much higher 24(70.58%). Mild anaemia was 30(80.08%) and moderate 7(18.91%).
Key words: Anaemia, Hook worm, infection, Parasite