Review Article
Year: 2020 | Month: January-March | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 147-149
Stress and Guided Imagery Technique
Josfeena Bashir1, Dr. Yogeshwar Puri Goswami2
1Ph.D. Scholar, Geetanjali University, Udaipur.
2Principal cum Professor Geetanjali College and School of Nursing, Udaipur.
Corresponding Author: Josfeena Bashir
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is body's reaction to a challenge or demand. Causes of stress – different factors like physical, social, emotional can causes stress. Types of stress- Acute Stress, Episodic Acute Stress, And Chronic Stress. Guided imagery- The term guided imagery denotes the technique used in the voluntary instance, by which images are recalled from long-term or short-term memory, Effectiveness of guided imagery technique – various study showed that guided imagery technique had significant effect of reducing the stress.
Keywords: Stress, Causes of stress, Guided Imagery Technique, Effectiveness of guided imagery technique.