Original Research Article
Year: 2020 | Month: January-March | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 20-27
“Signs are Brisk when Nutrients at risk, act fast before last!!”: A study on Impact of Nutritional Intake on Clinical Manifestation
V. Bhavani1, N. Prabhavathy Devi2
1Dietician, ESIC Medical College and Hospital, KK Nagar, Chennai, India
2Assistant Professor, Queen Marys College, Chennai, India
Corresponding Author: V. Bhavani
The present study explored the impact of nutritional intake on clinical manifestation. Physical signs and symptoms of malnutrition can be valuable aids in detecting nutritional deficiencies. Protein and micro nutrient deficiency have been the major nutritional problems faced by developing countries such as India. This study was conducted among 1000 students. The samples are selected by means of stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques. Adopting Anthropometry (Waist circumference, Hip circumference, Waist to Hip ratio), Biochemical (Hemoglobin using Drabki method, Clinical, and Dietary details (Food frequency, three day dietary record) were obtained from the subjects by appropriate methods. The obtained details were coded and entered into Microsoft excel. The coded raw data were subjected to statistical analysis using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0. Anthropometry, biochemical, clinical, dietary details were correlated and results were interpreted. The effect of low hemoglobin on clinical manifestation was observed in the present study. It demonstrated that low hemoglobin levels resulted in a number of manifestations such as hairloss, recurrent mouth ulcer, angular stomatitis, glossitis, depression, irritability, poor concentration. Overweight and obese subjects manifested with acanthosis nigricans, whereas underweight subjects reported to have loss of appetite, loss of taste, poor concentration, irritability and recurrent mouth ulcer. Subjects with increased waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist to hip ratio were presented with the symptoms of acanthosis nigricans and goiter. Thus it is essential for the college students to consume nutrient rich foods and avoid energy densed food to maintain adequate nutritional status and prevent deficiencies.
Keywords: Manifestation, Nutritional status, Hemoglobin, Overweight , Waist circumference, Under nutrition