Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: July-September | Volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 75-81


Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on Knowledge Regarding Breast Self Examination among Women in Selected Rural Area at Villupuram District

M. Porselvi1, M. Muthamizh2, E. Pathima3, M. Nandhini4, M. Poyyamozhi5, M. Nivetha6, P. Pragadeswari7, S. Prasannadevi8

1Professor cum Principal, E. S. College of Nursing, Villupuram, Tamilnadu
2-8B.Sc (N) E. S. College of Nursing, Villupuram, Tamilnadu

Corresponding Author: M. Porselvi


Aim: The study aims to create awareness among women regarding incidence, risk factors, clinical symptoms, prevention and management of Breast Cancer through Breast self examination.
Objectives: i) To assess the pre and post test level of knowledge regarding Breast self examination among women. ii) to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge regarding Breast self examination among women. iii) to find the association between post test level of knowledge regarding breast self examination among women with their demographic variables.
Methods Material: A quantitative research approach - experimental - pre- experimental-one group- pre -test post-test research design was adopted. 30 samples were selected for the study by using non probable-purposive sampling technique.
Results: the study findings shows that in pre test level of knowledge among 30 samples 25(83.4%) had inadequate knowledge and 5(16.6%) had moderate adequate knowledge. In post test level of knowledge among 30 sample 8(26.6%) had moderate adequate knowledge and 22(73%) had adequate knowledge.
Conclusion: the study concluded that, video assisted teaching programme regarding breast self examination was effective on improving the knowledge level among women in selected settings of rural area.

Keywords: Breast Cancer, Breast self examination, Video assisted teaching.

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