Original Research Article
Year: 2021 | Month: July-September | Volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 16-20
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/gijhsr.20210703
Effectiveness of Community Based Nursing Intervention Strategies on Quality of Life among Alcoholics in Selected Rural Communities
Dinesh Selvam S
Professor & Principal, Columbia College of Nursing, Bangalore-56.
Introduction and Objectives: Alcohol consumption has been identified as a risk factor for many health, social and economic problems of communities. 62.5 million alcohol users estimated in India. WHO strategies for nursing education, research and practice emphasize on early diagnosis, medical/social problems, counseling and access to services and opportunities to achieve social integration, medical detoxification and long term identification and management of alcoholism and its related problems. In this study, the investigator focused on quality of life among alcoholics. The objectives of the study were to assess the effectiveness of community based nursing intervention strategies on quality of life among alcoholics. The study also aimed to associate the level of quality of life among alcoholics with their demographic variables. Pre-Experimental-One group pretest and posttest design was adopted. 473 clinically identified alcoholics fulfilling inclusive criteria were considered as samples. Community based nursing intervention strategies were provided for the participants. CAGE Questionnaire was used to identify clinically significant alcoholics. WHO QoL (Quality of Life) questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life among alcoholics. The mean differences between pre-test and post-test overall QOL, was 23.93 with t-value 32.99. These scores were highly significant at p<0.001 level suggesting that the community based nursing interventions were effective in improving the QOL among alcoholics. The study recommended the utilization of the community based nursing intervention strategies for the Community Health Nurses to aide them in reducing the alcohol dependence and thereby improving the Quality of Life among alcoholics
Keywords: quality of life, alcoholics, community based nursing intervention strategies.