Original Research Article
Year: 2021 | Month: October-December | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 60-64
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/gijhsr.20211009
Study of Functional Outcome of Comminuted Fracture Distal End Radius Managed by Joshi's External Stabilizing System Application: An Observational Study
Kanhei Ram Mahapatro1, Sravan Kumar Sahukar2, Sanjay Kumar Das3, Som Subhankar4, Rajendra Kumar5
1Senior Consultant (Orthopaedic), Department of Orthopaedic, Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
2,3,4Consultant (Orthopaedics), Department of Orthopaedic, Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
5Professor Community Medicine, Vice Principal & Medical Superintendent, KDMCHRC, Mathura (UP), India
Corresponding Author: Som Subhankar
Objective: To study the fracture lower end radius (comminuted fractures) by Joshi's external stabilizing system application.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study conducted in the Department of Orthopaedics, DHH Koraput and Capital Hospital Bhubaneswar. The study comprised patients with comminuted fracture distal end radius in the hospital. Patients were included in the study if they had a comminuted fracture of the distal radius. This was defined as any distal radial fracture with more than 20° of dorsal angulation, metaphyseal comminution with or without intra-articular extension and more than 2 mm of positive ulnar variance. A total of 44 patients were included in the study.
Results: The mean age of patients was 37.41±12.63 years. More than half of patients were males (65.9%). Closed fracture was among majority of patients (86.4%). Right side injury was involved in 63.6% patients. C3 fracture classification was most common (31.8%). TILT dorsal/ventral 20-30o was in more than half of patients (65.9%). The mean TILT dorsal/ventral was 28.26±12.57o. The time interval of injury to surgery was 4-5 days in 73.7%. The mean time interval of injury to surgery was 4.24±0.56 days. DASH score 10-20 was in 63.6% patients. The mean DASH score was 18.4±13.45. Pin tract was most common complication (18.2%) followed by loosening of pin (6.8%).
Conclusion: JESS is an effective treatment technique for intra-articular distal end radius fractures.
Keywords: Comminuted fractures, Joshi's external stabilizing, Fracture classification.