Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Year: 2023 | Month: October-December | Volume: 8 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 45-54


Analysis of the Effect of Life Disorders on Taste Perception

Fransiskus Harf Poluan1, Lina Marlina2

1Department of Ear Nose and Throat, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2General Hospital Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Fransiskus Harf Poluan


Smell disorders mostly damage the olfactory membrane of the sense of smell. This can reduce the ability to detect smells, reduce the ability to taste, or food, and even lose appetite. This research aimed to find real evidence of the influence of olfactory disturbances on taste perception carried out on the FK UKI Students’ class of 2012. This research used an experimental design; data was taken in July 2015, and 32 students were used as research subjects. The research examined participants' taste perceptions through an intervention by covering the patient's nose as a symbol of olfactory disturbance and without covering the participant's nose as a control. The data will be processed using the SPSS version 16 program and then analyzed using the t-test or independent samples T-test. The results showed that 38.7% of women and 37.5% of men had correct taste perception in the presence of olfactory disturbances. In comparison, 68.7% of women and 60% of men had proper taste perception without olfactory disturbances.

Keywords: Smell physiology, Taste Physiology, Smell Disorders

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