Year: 2024 | Month: January-March | Volume: 9 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 156-163
The Relationship of Knowledge and Compliance with 6-Step of Hand Washing in Sequence of Professional Students at Dental and Oral Hospital Jember University
Isrofatullaily1, Hestieyonini Hadnyanawati2, Kiswaluyo3
1Dentistry Student, Faculty of Dentistry, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer of Public Dental and Oral Health Department, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Hestieyonini Hadnyanawati
Health behavior is all the activities of a person because of the stimulus associated with maintaining and improving health. Behavior is divided into 3 domains, namely cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude) and psychomotor (action). Submitting and obeying the implementation of applicable regulations and being ready to face the consequences in the event of a violation is the definition of compliance. Attitudes can be influenced by culture, such as the implementation of handwashing. Handwashing works well when it is practiced as a culture.
This study was conducted at the Dental and Oral Hospital Jember University in March-April 2023. The research subjects were 132 professional students from integration I to III. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire and check list. The results of the study based on the distribution of knowledge obtained the majority of good knowledge as many as 74 students with a percentage of 56.1%. Based on compliance, there were 90 students with a percentage of 68.1% obedient. The results showed that the majority of female students have good knowledge and adhere to 6-step hand washing in sequence and between Integration I to integration III whose knowledge is good and obedient is integration II.
Students with good knowledge and obedient as many as 59 (44.7%) students, this is more than students with good knowledge and not obedient as many as 15 (11.3%) students. Students with sufficient knowledge and compliance were 31 (23.5%) students, while those with sufficient knowledge and non-compliance were 27 (20.5%) students. Data analysis was carried out using the chi square test which obtained a value of 0.001 so that it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge of hand washing 6 steps in sequence for professional students at Dental and Oral Hospital Jember University.
Keywords: knowledge, compliance, hand washing 6 steps