Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Year: 2024 | Month: April-June | Volume: 9 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 104-111


Antihyperglycemic Effects of Active Fraction of Ethanol Extract from Castanopsis costata Leaves and Channa striata Extract on Rats

Yanski Darmanto1, Razoki2, Elfia Neswita3

1,2,3Bachelor’s Program In Clinical Pharmacy, Faculity Of Medicine, Dentistry, Heatlh Sciences, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan

Corresponding Author: Razoki


Anti-hyperglycemic experiments were conducted on male Wistar rats divided into six groups: Group 1 (negative control), Group 2 (active fraction of Castanopsis costata ethanol extract at 200 mg/kg body weight), Group 3 (Channa striata extract at 250 mg/kg body weight), Group 4 (active fraction of Castanopsis costata ethanol extract at 50 mg/kg body weight + Channa striata extract at 250 mg/kg body weight), Group 5 (active fraction of Castanopsis costata ethanol extract at 100 mg/kg body weight + Channa striata extract at 250 mg/kg body weight), and Group 6 (active fraction of Castanopsis costata ethanol extract at 200 mg/kg body weight + Channa striata extract at 250 mg/kg body weight). The most notable reduction in blood glucose levels was observed in Group 4, with an average decrease of -55.40%, followed by Group 6 (-55.19%), Group 5 (-52.80%), Group 2 (-52.01%), and Group 3 (-52.88%). These findings indicate that combining the active fraction of Castanopsis costata ethanol extract with Channa striata extract effectively lowers blood glucose levels in Wistar rats.

Keywords: Antihyperglycemia, Active fraction of ethanol extract, Blood glucose level

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