Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Year: 2024 | Month: July-September | Volume: 9 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 62-74


Overview and Characteristics of Laparotomy Appendectomy as a Treatment for Appendicitis in The Indonesian Christian University General Hospital, Jakarta

Efhata Surya Diapari Pohan1, Meiranda Rose Pardede2, Mulyadi Djojosaputro3

1,2,3Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Efhata Surya Diapari Pohan


Appendicitis is inflammation of the vermiform appendix and is one of the common causes of acute abdomen in developing countries. Appendicitis is caused by infection, obstruction or a combination of both. This research is motivated by WHO data (2021) which states that the incidence of appendicitis is quite high, namely in the world reaching 7%, Asia 2.6% and Indonesia 7% of the total population. The aim of this research is to determine the description and characteristics of Laparotomy Appendectomy as a treatment for appendicitis at RSU UKI in 2020-2022. The variables of interest were the duration of surgery, length of stay, pre- and post-operative antibiotics and painkillers, appendicitis classification, surgical technique approach and pre- and post-operative VAS. This research is observational analytic with a cross-sectional design with a retrospective approach. Sampling used a purposive sampling method with a total of 88 samples. The research instrument uses secondary data in the form of medical records and is processed using SPSS through univariate analysis. The results of the study showed that the majority of appendicitis patients who underwent appendectomy laparotomy were based on age in the range 25-45 years (44.3%), the majority gender was female (59.1%), the majority of operation duration was 60-90 minutes (63.6%) , the longest length of stay was 4-6 days (56%), pre-operative (97.7%) and post-operative antibiotics (98.9%) with the most common type being Ceftriaxone, pre-operative painkillers (62.5% ) and post-operatively (96.9%) with the most common type being Ketorolac, the most frequent classification of appendicitis is acute appendicitis (45.5%0, the most surgical technical approach uses oblique incision (45.5%), Pre-operative VAS 7-9 ( 83%) and Post-operative VAS 1-3 (86.4%). Research conclusions were dominated by those aged 25-45 years, women, length of stay 4-6 days, duration of operation 60-90 minutes, almost all patients were given antibiotics pre- and post-operatively with the Ceftriaxone type, more than half of the patients were given pre-operative painkillers and almost all patients were given post-operative painkillers with the Ketorolac type, the most common classification of acute appendicitis, the most surgical technical approach was oblique incision, pre-operative VAS 7-9 and post-operative VAS 1-3.

Keywords: Appendicitis, Laparotomy Appendectomy

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