Year: 2024 | Month: October-December | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 17-26
Prevalence and Distribution of Oral Soft Tissue Diseases in Stunting Children Aged 12-59 Months at Sukorambi Community Health Center
Leni Rohma Dewi1, Lina Afina Faza2, Ayu Mashartini Prihanti3
1Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
2Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia
3Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia.
Corresponding Author: Leni Rohma Dewi
Introduction: Stunting as a failure in children's growth due to chronic nutrition with short height tends to have a high prevalence (21,6%) in Indonesia. Nutritional disorders in stunting children cause the body's immune system to weaken so that children are susceptible get infections, including oral soft tissue diseases.
Aim: To determine and assess the prevalence and distribution of oral soft tissue diseases in stunting children aged 12 – 59 months at the Sukorambi Community Health Center.
Methods: This research is a descriptive observational with a cross sectional design on a population of 200 stunting children in the Sukorambi Community Health Center Working Area. Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample size so that 70 samples were obtained according to the criteria.
Results: Prevalence and distribution of oral soft tissue diseases among respondents was 32,5% with the most cases being women (50,98%) and the age group 24-35 months (27,14%). The type of oral tissue disease with highest prevalence were oral ulcer (10,50%), suspect oral candidiasis of the tongue (9,50%), glossitis (4,00%), cheilitis (3,50%), geographic tongue (2,50%), angular cheilitis (1,50%), and other lesions (1,00%).
Conclusion: Oral ulcer was the type of oral soft tissue disease with the highest prevalence in stunting children and occurred most often in women (52,38%) also the age group 36-47 months (47,62%). Thus, special attention is needed by the relevant health instance to maintain the oral health of stunting children because this can affect their nutritional intake.
Keywords: stunting, oral soft tissue disease, prevalence, distribution, nutrition.