Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (GIJHSR) provides regular publication of articles in all areas of research. The journal adopts standard publication policy and ethical issues to meet the quality research work.
Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research publishes original scientific articles, reviews and short communications that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal publishes papers based on original research that are judged by critical reviews, to make a substantial contribution in the field. It aims at publication of high quality research results while maintaining rigorous review process. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers are published approximately one month after acceptance.
Research Areas
Research Papers and Articles may be from one of the following broad areas:
Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Gynecology, Neurology, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, ENT, Anesthesiology, Community Medicine, Pediatrics, Public Health, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, Paramedical sciences, Nursing, Health and Hospital Management, Genetics, Biodiversity & Conservation, Pathology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Occupational and Environmental sciences, Molecular Biology, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Forensic Science, Dietetics & Nutrition, Yoga, Ayurveda, Homoepathy etc.
Editorial Policy
- Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research publishes papers that are judged and reviewed by editorial team.
- Types of articles include original research papers, reviews, case studies and short communications.
- Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research aims at rapid publication of quality research results and reviews while maintaining rigorous review process.
- The main criteria for accepting a manuscript for publication in the journal are originality, innovative and scientific importance and interest.
- Each article published by the journal is open access, and full text is displayed on the website and freely available to researchers, scientists, faculties, students all over the world.
- To cater for international audiences and promote international collaboration, we encourage submissions that present results of collaborative research of more than one country.
- The journal and publisher do not hold any responsibility about the views, opinion and work of author(s) presented in the article published in GIJHSR. Authors are fully responsible for the contents of the article.
Policy on Publication Ethics
- No manuscript with plagiarized content shall be considered for publication in our journal.
- Manuscript in our journal will not be published until authors submit copyright and consent form duly signed by all authors (co-authors).
- Manuscript without signed declaration on ‘Conflict of Interest’ by authors shall not be considered for publication in journal.
- Plagiarised article will be retracted from the journal's website even after publication, if it is published by mistake or due to any unfair means adopted by the author.
- Any disputed article published in our journal caused by plagiarism issue or any other issues will be deleted from the journal's website with or without intimation to the concerned author after final decision of editor/publisher.
- Research work / clinical investigation involving patient participation, patient opinion, patient record, animal studies cannot be considered for publication in GIJHSR without submission of Ethical Clearance Letter / Institutional Review Board’s report, informed consent, and other necessary documents if any.
- Reports of clinical trials and studies involving animals submitted to our journal for publication should be in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and Good Clinical Practice.
- Articles published in Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research cannot be reproduced in whole or in part (s) without written permission from editor/publisher. Proper citation should be mentioned for published article while referring it.
Peer Review Process/ Review Procedure
Our journal follows double blind peer review process. All articles are reviewed by potential reviewers. Journal editorial team takes final decision for the acceptance of the article after rigorous review process.
After receipt of manuscript from authors it passes from following stages:
- Submitted manuscript will be judged by editorial team member for suitability for publication on the basis of relevance and significance of article as well as interest to readers. Chief editor will take into consideration of all these factors after initial screening of the manuscript.
- Suitable manuscript after primary screening will be checked for plagiarism and grammatical errors. Use of available softwares to detect plagiarized content and grammatical errors in manuscript ensures more accuracy in this process.
- After successful passing this step, manuscript will be sent for double blind review process. Reviewers will submit review report after critical analysis of the manuscript.
- Review report and any modification will be analysed by concerned associate/assistant editors and will be communicated to chief/managing editor for his / her approval for publishing in journal.
- Review report with any modification/correction will be communicated to corresponding author after review process to make suggested changes in the manuscript.
- After entire review process, authors will be communicated about the decision of editorial team and if accepted, publication of corrected manuscript in journal and tentative date of publication.
- Whole review process ensures that identity of reviewers is kept confidential and should not be revealed to authors to maintain fair evaluation of manuscript.
Suggestions for Reviewers
Reviewers are selected on the basis of experience in his/her area (minimum five years). Reviewers should strictly evaluate each article.
An original research article should have clearly defined sections e.g. Introduction, Methodology, Results/Observations (findings), and Discussion (conclusions and recommendations). Briefly describe, discuss and evaluate the key points involved in each section of the article. Reviewers should consider following points while reviewing an article.
Does the author clearly define a research problem or topic?
Is its significance and need of study explained?
Is specialized terminology usefully defined?
Are the research aims/objectives clearly stated? Are hypotheses or specific research questions identified?
Is ethical issues clearly explained?
Is there clear research methodology written by author?
Number of participants, method of sampling written or not?
Any apparatus/instrument used in research methodology, its use and validity and reliability?
Any evident biases or ethical considerations arise in relation to the methodology? Explained or not?
Are methods of measurement or procedure clearly explained and appropriate?
Are outcome variables defined?
How were data analysed? Which software was used for data analysis? Was relevant and appropriate statistical test used?
Are the major findings clearly written?
Do the findings of the study adequately address the stated research objectives?
Are supporting data presented? Are tables/graphs/figures displayed and helpful and well integrated with the text?
Does the author compare findings of the study with relevant reasoning?
Does the result of the study match with the conclusion or any recommendation?
Any limitations/further recommendations written or not?
Does the author conclude article with emphasizing clinical relevance and significance of the study?
Is this study relevant, original and significant?
Policy on Plagiarism
- The journal's editorial team take utmost care while evaluating the article. Plagiarism is checked by our team using softwares and other available resources. However, sometimes plagiarism associated with some articles may not be noticed by our team due to technical errors like non-functioning of softwares or technical errors. In such scenario, the publisher and journal don’t take any responsibility regarding plagiarism issues raised out of any article. Plagiarised article will not be published in our journal, however if any plagiarised article published by mistake, it will be deleted from our website and contents.
- The publisher/journal does not support any kind of plagiarism. Authors are fully responsible for plagiarism.
- Authors are instructed to take care of plagiarism while submitting their manuscript. Authors are advised not to submit plagiarised article.
- For more information on plagiarism, please visit