Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: January-March | Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 107-117

Effect Of The Role Of Caders On Decreasing The MoPI (Monthly Parasite Incidence) Numbers Malaria In Supiori District

Esau Leunufna1, A.L. Rantetampang2, Yacob Ruru3, Anwar Mallongi4

1Magister Program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura.
2,3Lecturer of Master Program in Public Health. Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura
4Environmental Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar.

Corresponding Author: Anwar Mallongi


Background: The large number of malaria sufferers in Supiori District requires the role of malaria cadres in the village as a fast and appropriate step to reduce malaria MoPI (Monthly Parasite Incidence) by expanding the scope of patient discovery and treatment both ACD (Active Case detection) and PCD (Patient Case Detection).
Objective: To determine the role of malaria cadres in decreasing malaria MoPI (Monthly Parasite Incidence) in Supiori District
Research method: Observational analytic with cross sectional study approach. This study was conducted in October 2018 in 10 villages in Supiori District with a population of village malaria cadres with a sample of 30 people in total population. Data were obtained by questionnaire and analyzed using Chi-Square Test, and logistic binary regression test.
Research results: Obtained factors that influence the decrease in the number of malaria MoPI (Monthly Parasite Incidence) in Supiori Regency are malaria education (p = 0,000), community empowerment (p = 0.001), malaria sufferer findings (p = 0.151), radical treatment (p = 0,000), treatment follow-up (p = 0,007), malaria patient referral (p = 0,118), posmaldes village mapping (p = 0,007), malaria meeting (p = 0,837), malaria reporting (p = 0,024). Dominant factors that influence the decrease in MoPI (Monthly Parasite Incidence) malaria are patient discovery, radical treatment, treatment follow-up, where radical treatment is the most dominant factor in decreasing malaria numbers (Monthly Parasite Incidence) in Supiori District.

Key words: Malaria, cadre role, monthly parasite incidence (MoPI)

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