Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Original Research Article

Year: 2020 | Month: January-March | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 13-16

Trend of Orthopedic Trauma Patients and Seasonal Variation

Anubhav Rijal1, Nishchal Dhakal2

1Department of Orthopaedics, Nobel Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal
2Department of Community Medicine, Nepal Medical College and Teaching Hospital

Corresponding Author: Anubhav Rijal


Introduction: This study is done to identify the seasonal trend of orthopedic trauma cases and to determine various epidemiological factors involved in causing orthopedic trauma cases.
Material and methods: A descriptive study is performed in the Department of Orthopedics at a tertiary referral centre of Nepal. 5280 were total trauma cases during our study period. Study variables: Demographic characteristics of the cases, season, the month of injury and cause of trauma.
Results: In our study period from 2012-2018, there were total 5280 admissions. Out of which Male were 3820 and female were 1460 showing male predominance. Road traffic accident (RTA) was the commonest cause of injury (61.28%). Common age group affected was of age 0-10 years (21.55%) and urban population (67.65%). Maximum cases of trauma occurred during summer (44.89%). Fracture of lower extremity was commonest (54.75%). Upper limb trauma in summer was maximum (1218cases) followed by lower limb trauma during rainy season (1213 cases). Summer season constitutes the majority of cases (44.89%) with month of April taking a lead (17.75%).
Conclusion: There is a seasonal variation of orthopedic trauma cases with predominance during summer season.

Keywords: Trauma, Season, Orthopedic, Month.

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