Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Short Communication

Year: 2020 | Month: July-September | Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 47-51

Novel Corona Pandemic Affecting Dentistry and ENT Enigmatically and Its Systematic Review

Kanishka Guru1, Deepa Awasthi2, K.R Khande1, Deepak Sharma3, AK Pillai4

1Associate Professor, 2Junior Resident, 3Senior Resident,
Department of Dentistry, Gajra Raja Medical College & JA Group of Hospital Gwalior (M.P)
4Dept of Maxillofacial  Surgery, PDA

Corresponding Author: Kanishka Guru


The coronavirus expansion alarmed all health professionals throughout the world. Especially in dentistry, the growing concern is due to its high virulence and routes of transmission through saliva, aerosol generation. The virus stays viable in air and on surfaces for hours and thus the ENT & dental setups are high-risk settings for cross-infection. Viral load is a concept that suggests the amount or an actual number of virus particles that invaded a body and shows the impact on how badly a person will suffer from the disease. The viral titer of SARS- CoV 2 is higher in the saliva of COVID 19 patients and highest during a patient clinical presentation.

Keywords: Viral load, SARS-CoV-2, aerosol, throat swab, RT-PCR

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