Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Original Research Article

Year: 2021 | Month: July-September | Volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 38-45


Analysis of Factors Influencing Work Stress on the Health Service Rapid Action Team during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Barru Regency

Andi Sunarti1, H. Jalil Genisa2, Yusuf3

1,2.3Department of Magister Public Health, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Tamalatea Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Andi Sunarti


Work stress is the pressure of the mind of work that is felt when the demands faced exceed the strength contained in the worker. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the workload of health workers has become very high compared to normal conditions, the ongoing emergency caused by Covid-19 has put health services under strong pressure. This study aims to determine the factors that cause work stress in the Barru District Health Office's fast-moving team.
The research method used is quantitative with an analytical approach to cross-sectional study design, with a total sample of 65 people from the Covid-19 rapid response team taken by total sampling. used univariate and bivariate analysis using test Chi square.  
The results of the study found that there was something that affected work stress, namely the workload of the health department's fast-moving team during the COVID-19 pandemic handling Covid-19 (p = 0.010). While other variables did not affect work stress, namely the effect of work (p = 0.000), the influence of interpersonal relationships (p = 0.010), and the effect of work professionalism (p = 0.000) on the health service rapid movement team during the pandemic-19.   
The conclusion of this study is that there are those that affect work stress, namely the workload of the fast-moving team handling Covid-19, while the variables that do not affect work stress are the influence of work, the influence of interpersonal relationships, and the influence of work professionalism, on the fast-moving team handling Covid-19 It is recommended that the Barru District Health Office harmonize the work atmosphere at the Barru District Health Office, through activities in outdoor and outbound  order to be able to maintain group and interpersonal relationships, and make rules that bind the fast-moving team to deal with Covid-19, especially the office. Barru Regency's health is related to additional tasks under certain conditions so that the leadership gives sanctions to the fast-moving team who do not work professionally in dealing with the covid-19 outbreak.

Keywords: Work stress, and the Covid-19 Handling Team.

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